
To use Examine Files in a project:

import examine_files

Stand alone

This script examines files in a given directory to determine their type (according to libmagic, similar to the Unix file command) and compares it to the file’s extension. Using a whitelist, the program will determine if there is a mismatch between the file type and the extension. After installation:

python --help
usage: [-h] [-ng] [-nb] [-nu] [-w WHITELIST] directory

Module 2 thing

positional arguments:
  directory             The directory where analysis will start

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ng, --no-good        Do not show matches
  -nb, --no-bad         Do not show mismatches
  -nu, --no-unknown     Do not show unknown
  -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                        Path to custom whitelist

For example:

$ python3 Samples/
Analyzed 10 files
Matched: 5
Mismatched: 2
Unknown: 3
| FILE NAME                          | FILE TYPE              | MIME TYPE                | STATUS   |
| Samples/file.png                   | PNG image data         | image/png                | Match    |
| Samples/                    | ASCII text             | text/plain               | Match    |
| Samples/file.tar.gz                | gzip compressed data   | application/gzip         | Match    |
| Samples/file.txt                   | ASCII text             | text/plain               | Match    |
| Samples/test/secondlevel.txt       | ASCII text             | text/plain               | Match    |
| Samples/fake.tar.gz                | ASCII text             | text/plain               | Mismatch |
| Samples/this_was_a_private_key.txt | OpenSSH private key    | text/plain               | Mismatch |
| Samples/file.dat                   | data                   | application/octet-stream | Unknown  |
| Samples/not_my_real_key            | OpenSSH private key    | text/plain               | Unknown  |
| Samples/        | OpenSSH RSA public key | text/plain               | Unknown  |